Daniel at Pam's Grotto

Daniel at Pam's Grotto
Daniel at Pam's Grotto

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

5-8 Seven Hollows Grotto

We packed up the whole family, and headed to the Seven Hollows Grotto trail on Petit Jean. The Auntie Carol, Fununcle Adam, Ella, Wylie and Maya came, too, along with Papa. We had a backpack for Grant and Wylie, but Wylie wanted to walk the whole 4 mile hike. Maya is Carol and Adam's foster baby who is on a heart monitor. She did awesome on the hike!

Petit Jean Thistle
We saw a few pretty wildflowers including this thistle. (1/30 sec, f-8, ISO400)

Seven Hollows Grotto Trail
The day was bright and sunny, which doesn't help the photography aspect.  This little stream was almost dry, but it gives a good sense of Arkansas in the spring and summer. (1/30 sec, f-4.5, ISO100)

Daniel and Ella
Daniel and Ella sitting on a rock. They love posing for pictures! (1/30 sec, f-5, ISO100)

Family on Petit Jean
We took a family picture in front of a large natural stone arch. (1/25 sec, f-11, ISO400)

Seven Hollows Grotto
The grotto is an amazing place. It looks like one of those fake waves with a surfboard that you get your picture taken on in Hawaii. (20 sec, f-22, ISO100)

Seven Hollows Grotto
There was very little water coming over the falls. This is a very contrasty place, even in better light. (0.4 sec, f-22, ISO100)

Seven Hollows Grotto
Ahh, the wonders of Photoshop! The water was stagnant and ugly looking, so I fixed it! (0.5 sec, f-22, ISO100)

I didn't get very many pictures due to the bright sun and dark shadows, but I tried to give you an idea of what this place is like. It was a fun day for all involved. The kids had a great time and did very well on the long hike. The grotto is a must see waterfall, one that we will go back to when the water is running.

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